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"Wierszyki-Prezenciki" Little Poems-Little Presents by Author, my uncle Andrzej Imiołek ❤️

Writer's picture: Katarzyna HasnikKatarzyna Hasnik

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Family is spectacular phoneme like nature, often unpredicted and rarely perfect, never actually.

Even I had no contact with my uncle, Andrzej Imiołek brother of my mum Barbara Imiołek-Haśnik, due to the divorce of my grandparents, beloved granny Zofia Bisaga-Imiołek and unknown grandad Zbyszek Imiołek and separation of siblings as they were small children. Separation of parents brought separation of the entire family and following generations.

An abandoned child is a tragedy never forgotten and how could ever be forgiven? I only know the 'story" and each side has a story. The family lived in the same medium-size city and rarely saw each other only when was necessary. I hardly really knew the other side of the family. Partly they were helping each other but we kids never were connected as cousins should be, at least as I wanted as the youngest one. Regardless of the past and the decision of my granny to leave my husband for multiply reasons which were followed leaving a son, my uncle and taking care of the younger daughter, my mum what brought separation of my mum from her father and the whole spectrum of another circumstance, there is a space in my heart and mind and my website for my uncle's poems, which he wrote for the family for Christmas, this part of the family which he stays in touch, spending time with.

Regardless of the previous generation's decisions, my decision is to give space, time, reflection, love, healing to all parties as much as I am even able to because I will never be able really fully understand this. However, sharing is caring, sharing is loving and I love to share as those poems indeed my smile on my face bring joy and my uncle is confirmed to share them too if I want, for which I am grateful very much. Those poems are creative, fun, joyous and light. Full of humour and even I was there on those Christmas I can truly feel the joy of reading them aloud and laughing, sharing and making people happy and creating fun experiences. I do love them very much and I want them having close anywhere were I go. I got them in the most wonderful handmade gift, a family album full of black and white photos as well as colourful of this part of the family which was not so known to me. My beloved aunty Urszula Małgorzta (Gosia) Krzaczyńska-Mużykowska, daughter of my grandmother's sister, aunty Wanda created this for me, and other family members for last Christmas 2021 and previous years.

Sometimes the death, not always but in our family tree, the death of the same people, bring others closer. Death brings time and space. Life never was and never will be perfect. Perfection is a lie in its own meaning of creating this word. The family never was and never will be perfect but the union is beautiful. My biggest dream as a child was to reunite everyone, that family member who migrated to Canada, Germany, USA and those who were living close but even further away. Not all united as it was too late or just not given chance or not approach, but some did and there is a beauty in it. Reunited wouldn't happen without previous separation. Life has two sides of the coin as often the truth, family and nature itself.

Not everything will be understood, forgiven or forgotten but there is room for it, there is something magical. Like those vases broken into many pieces, glued together un-perfectly with golden paint.

"Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art."

That's what I call my family tree - Kintsugi. And now it is time for joy and fun. Those poems are in Polish and won't be translated to English as the origin is my uncle's native language. Thank you Aunty Gosia and uncle Andrzej for this special gift of glueing the family with golden paint. Embracing flaws and imperfections of becoming more unique than ever. In pain, there is growth and life never will be about happiness and joy only. As much as I do not know you that's how I love you. You do not have to know people to love them and be grateful that they do exist and carry their own story. Somehow we all have almost 8 billion and previous generations and ancestors are all connected. And always will be. Sometimes fixing the family won't work, and so will the base which can be dysfunctional and leaking, but here is always a space for thought. Most of those family members are gone but here is the place to cherish them. To make them once again alive in my uncle's poems now shared digitally with the 8 billion and future billions of connected somehow people. Joy is in them and while writing I feel joy and nostalgic sentimental good memories with all and their place during the funeral of my mum and grannies, my uncles, aunties and grandads. Because once someone wise said, also in Polish but this time I will translate: "Hurry up to love others as they are gone quickly". "Śpieszmy się kochać ludzi tak szybko odchodzą” - Jan Twardowski - Time for Poems by uncle Andrzej Imiołek =) Thank you. All those poems rhyme so well, speaks about hobbies, skills, personality traits, work, travels, desires, dreams. I love them so much and even now when reading again while typing I am just laughing! Bringing lots of fun and laughter. If you speak Polish you will laugh too. Otherwise, translate to English however, the direct translation would not be possible to reflect the rhymes so I will keep them in their original form as written by my uncle for our family. And yes, indeed there is something from my uncle inside me, as there is something inside him from his mum, my granny. She did love you, and she did speak a lot about you. That's why when she passed away I gave her poems with her black & white portraits from my graduation exhibition. One day we might see each other in one place or maybe not. But here we meet the family in Little Poems - Little Presents.

Wigilia 1999 - Christmas 1999

Dla Wandy - For Wanda

"Idzie Gwiazdka z nieba.

- Co ci Gwiazdko trzeba?

- Ach Wandeczko miła,

obrusik byś mi wyszyła."

Dla Adeli - For Adela

"Gwiazdka wiezie Ci zdrowie w worku.

Ładowała go od wtorku.

I zgłosiła na to PIT

Wypełniała go po świt.

Chyba dziura jest w tym worze,

Zdrowia bilans wyjść nie może."

Dla Wojtka - For Wojtek

"Szyny, wlewki, pręty, belki

Sprzedaj Wojtku w ten świat wielki.

Gwiazdka życzy: - "zostaw sobie

stalowe nerwy i żelazne zdrowie"

Dla Anny - For Anna

"Mówiła piwonia do sasanki:

- Chcesz mieć prezent na gwiazdkę?

Zamów portret u Anki!

I Gwiazdeczko,

Jeśli Cię to nie zmęczy,

Podaruj Jej wszystkie kolory tęczy."

Dla Gosi - Dla Gosia

"Z wrażenia zamarł fiord,

W zdziwieniu Sfinks skamieniał,

A stary Austriak aż oniemiał,

Gdy usłyszeli, że Gwiazdka prosi

O jeszcze jedną podróż dla Gosi."

Dla Jasia - For Jaś

"Stary Byku! Gwiazdka życzy:

sto haczyków i na każdym po tuńczyku.

A do tego tyle "miedzi"

Ile w morzu siedzi śledzi.

Dla Stasia

Jedzie Stasiu w BMW-e

Schnell, bo Gwiazdka goni Cię.

Gdy Cię złapie na zakręcie,

Mercedesa da w prezencie.

Dla Andrzeja

Dziś Gwiazdka Ci życzy:

Kreślarski stoliczek,

Kaleczki rulonik i tuszu dzbanuszek.

W kolejce niech stoi klientów wianuszek.

Domeczek, sklepiczek, garażyk, hotelik.

Oj muszą Ci oni napełnić portfelik!

Dla Ali

Gwiazdka rzekła: -

Rach, ciach, mach!

Domek wyrósł aż po dach.

A na przyzbie, u komina

Siedzi Ala jak gaździna.

Na podwórzu gazda Stach

Przesypuje z taczek piach.

Dla Ewy

Gwiazdka życzy Ci najsłodziej

By Cię nie odwiedzał złodziej.

Abyś nie zaznała złodziej.

Abyś nie zaznała kości.

Niech ogonkiem merda Ruda

A w ogródku rosną cuda.

W lustrze niechaj Ci się zmieścu

Lat nie więcej niźli dzieści.

Kasy tyle, ile w lesie liści,

Niechaj Ci się Redford przyśni,

Niech na meblach kurz nie siada,

Dom twój niech omija zwada.

Wilia niech smakuje gościom,

By nikt się nie zadławił ością.

Każdy niech Twe zdrowie piję:

Sto lat niech nam Ewa żyję!!!

Dla Marka

Onegdaj w raju,

Na naradzie Mikołajów

Ustalono jednogłośnie:

Na smykałę Smyk do smyka

Niechaj smykiem Smyk pomyka.

Niech wysmyczy smykiem Smyk

Furę forsy i to w mig!

Dla Artura

Dolce, marki, franki i złotówki. Gwiazdka tyle życzy Ci gotówki.

Byś we wszystkie mógł weekendy

Ćwiczyć sprinty i backhandy.

Dla Ani

Rzekł Linneusz do Darwina:

Gwiazdka mówi mi do ucha,

Że wyrosła nam dziewucha,

Która już niebawem siędzie

Między nami, w pierwszym rzędzie.

Wigilia 2001 - Christmas 2001

Dla Wandy i Adeli

Droga Wando i Adelo!

Wam dziś życzeń nie potrzeba

Bo skrzydłami anielskimi

Osłaniacie nas już z nieba.

Ty Adelo, Czyny nasze księguj tak,

By w rubryce "przychód"

Zawsze było grzechów brak.


Niech twym płótnem będą chmury.

W igłę nawlecz nitkę tęczy

I wyhaftuj nam u góry

Pięknych serwet sto naręczy.

Dla Wojtka

Niech Ci się nie złamie szprycha,

Niech Ci nie sflaczeje kicha.

Niech Ci wiatr nie wieje w oczy,

Niech się koło równo toczy.

A Ty marność tego świata

Miej tam, gdzie Cię coś ugniata.

Dla Anny

Wiem dlaczego Mona Lisa

Ma uśmieszek tajemniczy.

Obok Twej pasteli w Luwrze

Wisieć chce i na to liczy.

Dla Gosi

Wymocz nogi w Pacyfiku,

Żabką pływaj w Adriatyku.

Jedz papaje na Barbados

A w Madrycie pij calvados.

Brzuch opalaj na Miami,

Lecz wigilię spędzaj z nami!

Dla Andrzeja

Nie będzie to chyba feler

Gdy chce project Rockefeller.

Może wtedy słuszna zaliczka

Starszy na futro dla Ewciczka.

Dla Ewy

Rzekł onegdaj mól do siostry:

- Już znudziły mi się posty!

Pyszna czeka na wyżerka,

Ewcik z norek ma futerka!

Przy konsumpcji bądźmy cisi,

Bo waruje przy nim Sissi.

Chociaż kąsek zjeść się uda,

Gdy na spacer pójdzie Ruda.

Więc pożyczymy Jeje wesoło:

- Miej Ewciczku w szafie zoo!

Dla Marka

Żyj allegro nasz Maestro

Dolce graj ze swą orkiestrą.

Wznoś toasty moderato

Fortissimo braw weź za to.

Molto sopro miej na koncie

No i forte swoje prą...!

Dla Artura

Czuprynę Twą niech rozwiewa

Dziewczęcych westchnień wiatr.

Fortuna niech urośnie

Wyżej niż szczyty Tatr.

A w wolnym czasie,

Obrań dyplom Dryblasie!

Dla Ani

Niech Ci się Fortuna kłania,

A wyglądaj niby Łania.

Multum zdrowia i radości!

Szczęście niech w twym domu gości.

No i życzę Ci bez "fuchy"

Byś od Diora miała ciuchy!

Thank you Aunty, Ciociu Gosia and Uncle, Wujek Andrzej!

I love laughing when I read those poems. 😍😄

My mum, uncle Andrzej, aunty Wanda and Gosia and great-grand mother Aniela. Family time. ❤️

My great-grand mother Aniela Bisaga, uncle Andrzej and aunty Gosia. ❤️❤️❤️

My aunty Wanda Bisaga-Krzaczyńska and my granny Zofia Bisaga-Imiołek.

Love you! Miss you! ❤️

My mother side Family graveyard - my uncle Marian Bisaga, aunty from Canada at the great-grandparents. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Communion 1952 - Aunt Anna Krzaczyńska-Szymaszek. ❤️ My great-grand mother Aniela, grandparents and uncle and aunty. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

My mum and her cousins, my aunts Gosia and Ania and uncle. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

My grandparents wedding photo. Parents of of my mum and her brother, uncle Andrzej, granny Zofia Bisaga-Imiołek and granddad Zbyszek Imiołek. ❤️

Dear aunty Urszula Małgorzta Gosia Krzaczyńska-Mużykowska love you! Thank you! ❤️ Communion 1954.

I love you great-grand mum, grandparents, uncles and aunties. ❤️

Great-grand mum Aniela Bisaga - never met you and I love you. ❤️ My grandparents, aunties and uncles and my mum. ❤️❤️❤️

I love you mum and I miss you. ❤️ Barbara Elżbieta Imiołek-Haśnik. Communion 1964.

Love you all even those who I never met. ❤️ Who knows maybe one day we will meet again.❤️

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