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Writer's pictureKatarzyna Hasnik

When one door closes, another opens.

How long does it take us to look behind us than in front of us? If people will drive/ride a bike etc. as they think, there will be a lot to fix on the road of life. So look at the present and look into the future, ahead of you not behind you. And enjoy the ride, the ride of your life, of what is in front of you. Past is to learn not to dwell on it by looking/talking too much about it.

Time is ticking. Do not waste any second. Anymore. Today or tomorrow can actually be the last day of your life. If you knew it, what would you do instead?

Career Tips by Katarzyna Hasnik, Mentor and Tutor, Head of Design, Senior Lead UX and UI Designer.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see, the one which has been opened for us. - Helen Keller

We all have an obligation to be happy.

I have an obligation to be happy.

We all have an obligation to be. Just be.

I have an obligation to be. Just be.

We all have an obligation to be responsible for our choices.

I have an obligation to be responsible for my choices.

We all have obligation to be Ourselves.

I have an obligation to be Myself.

Do we have to be happy or more importantly shall be fulfilled deeply with our responsibility of making choices and trying to make the best choices possible in situations most moral, and valuable? Is the happiness not coming from morality and values which all together bring the bigger mission, the vision of the best scenarios?

To be happy for a longer time, sacrifice must be taken, rejection of instant temptations, pleasurable. Say NO many times, to say YES once. See the difference. That's required mental training, the ability to know is actually important to me, and those important in my life in the long term.

Go with the flow, means going with the major flow of the river of life to reach the ocean instead of dividing yourself to too many lakes on the way to the ocean. They might be lakes and seas between river parts on the way to the ocean. So stick with the main goals to be able to reach where you are going.

NO - knowing how to say NO to yourself, to others, to life, to events, to career opportunities, to courses, to hobbies, to adventures, to travels, to books, to news, to concerts, to gigs does help.

Time is limited so make the best of it by sacrificing small stuff to experience the big ones! That's also about the people too.

Choose wisely, and to do so listen silently, and ask questions. In the question itself, there is already an answer.

Choose the path and do not force the TIME. Feel it and Think about it first. Act when ready. That time sacrifice is not more a sacrifice but a nice walk on the sandy soft warm beach.

Career Tips by Katarzyna Hasnik, Mentor and Tutor, Head of Design, Senior Lead UX and UI Designer.

As we focus, so do we. Think before making any choice (from eating, and buying to the partnership, taking a new position). Start talking about externally to others later on so none is gonna shift your attention. Give yourself time to know exactly the place where you go emotionally, mentally and physically. If you continue the opposite before getting there, by telling a story you might end up somewhere else where you didn't have the intention to be and do not want to be and will take a while to go back. It might even take years and decades. Be certain about things which you share even with your loved ones as everyone has their own perspective/ideas/opinions/thoughts on life, things, which if you are in the early stage might influence you too much especially when you are just learning to discover and define what, where, how, who and with who you want to be.

WAIT. Sharing is not always a good thing to do. Oversharing never was. Balance what you express with what you do actually to reach the goal.

When you talk you give a huge portion of the energy which could be installed to do it. Waiting with sharing with others is a good stage. Embrace it. Like waiting for the train will arrive and take you to the desired destination. Allow happening naturally. You have a ticket in your hand so do not allow anyone to grab your ticket and cross the destination and place a new one. Often does happen that others without even noticing often their own desirable destination as they never try to jump onto their own train themselves. Never allow happening.

Career Tips by Katarzyna Hasnik, Mentor and Tutor, Head of Design, Senior Lead UX and UI Designer.

Divine Guidance caused me to do an exceptional job, to do an expectational relationship, to do an expectational travels, to do an expectational friendship etc.

How do you feel when you read the above sentence?

Do you believe it? What emotion comes to you when you era dit loud? Do you doubt it?

I know my calling, the soul contract.

I am an artist. I am a healer. I am a designer. I am a writer. I am a mentor. I am a lecturer. I am a researcher. I am a tutor.

To embrace your femininity you are not required to do one thing. One thing is too rigid, it requires making decisions before the actual experience. Feminity in a good balance with masculinity is the flow between. Testing, trying, experiencing, and then shifting and choice of the one which suits and works the best.

What are your true calling, your mission, and your work ethic in what you do, in the neighbourhood where you live, in your own home, when you take public transport, when you join a new team, leaving the company for a new one, taking new client, new project?

"Jak dobrzy ldzie nic nie robia, zlo bedzie truimfowac."

Have your eyes, and ears open and speak, and act when necessary.

Staying in "a happy bubble" is not the human purpose, but overcoming the challenges and struggles it is. If this is not your direct struggle and challenge, it might be someone around you. Act to help, to support.

The purpose of humans is to help and support each other.

The hedonistic philosophy of life which we are bombarded with it, does not make sense in actual life.

Time to make a choice, the right choice, or the best choice at a specific time with specific often limited resources is also limited.

To think straight, be present. To notice, be present and observe. Do not avoid the struggle of others and treat others as you would treat yourself but of course with caution, as, there is a tiny line between goodness and naivety so never allows others to take the advantage of you. Have eyes and ears open.

Getting involved is a duty when it is necessary. It will disturb the "happy bubble" which you might currently be in but that's a human duty, not even a choice.

Career Tips by Katarzyna Hasnik, Mentor and Tutor, Head of Design, Senior Lead UX and UI Designer.

Time is given once.

Correct time by correcting how you think, feel, act and treat Life, people and yourself on every level - physical, mental, emotional, psychological, material, sexual...

But by quickly noticing you might shift again where you want to be.

The universe is watching. And Listen.

Treat people, wherever I met them (face to face, online, at work, at school, at social meetings, friends of friends, mates) as "potential clients, customers, business partners".

Be nice (doesn't cost anything).

Be truthful (cost the honour, respect and truth).

Be private (means I am professional, allowing time to build trust and relationship on the level which is appropriate for the specific connection, relationship, or partnership).

Do not cross the line too early as you might just lose.

"Life is supposed to be Fun." - Abraham Hicks

But it is not only about FUN. Life never will be equal, or fair, as it is not the purpose of life to be equal. Would be this possible even? I do think it is a utopia to think that life even can be fair.

However, it can be fantastic between overcoming challenges and even those challenges can be fantastic too. Maybe not in a happy style but in learning new, something that brings us closer to others, a specific subject, area which we never experienced before.

So keep it calm, and scream when necessary. Do not hold, but after a scream, make a peace with where you are.

Reach for the thought that feels better, truthful, more logical, than emotional, and breathe. Ask why this emotion is there and observe the motion in which the emotion flow.

And again keep calm, and get to the "fucking" vortex - a vortex of spinning the emotion up and down. It is not so constant, to be one and only one emotion and feeling so embrace the up and down change because you only get out, what you put into it.

One of the simplest ways to stay fulfilled, happy, joyous, calm etc. is to let go of the things which make you feel the opposite let's say unfulfilled, unhappy, sad, and nervous.

But do not force it, do not act as a drama, that you lost the grid, because life is not a happy constant event. It is a path and all stages of emotions are there for a reason. When a struggle comes, when though situation comes do not cover it with unrealistic forced emotion ass later you will end up with a bucket of tears instead of a spoon. Let go, by asking yourself, if not obvious. And if obvious, acknowledge and be there for a moment or a while with a sort of strong decision, how long you will allow yourself to feel it, and then move away from it by being mindful not to dwell on it because the only freedom is the present moment. Nothing else gives so much freedom than being Here and Now. Time does not always heal fully, but makes it blur, although if you come back with instance thoughts which again bring emotion alive, instead of blur might again be sharp. For sure the spiritual journey is the wisdom of no escape so give up waiting and be present. But choose to wait instead of taking a portion to just fulfil the empty space. It will never be fulfilled with empty temptations, temporary pleasure.

Give up unworthy choices.

Our story will not give us peace and contentment especially when we say to ourselves and others over and over. Peace and contentment are beyond that.

I'm not my thoughts. I'm not my story. I'm kind, loving, caring awareness of it.

Forget "recommendation time", forget about time when possible, and make it possible more often. Take off your watch.

You need to sleep more than 8 hours. Sleep. But we are aware from which part of ourselves it does come. Tired mentally, physically or avoiding life by staining in the bed.

Try to listen to the body and mind. When you quiet your mind, clear thoughts link with your body and give an answer. Just being open to listening and lack constant tracking time, looking at the time, and being notified by time, does help.

Our story will not give us peace and contentment especially when we say to ourselves and others over and over. Peace and contentment are beyond that.

I'm not my thoughts. I'm not my story. I'm kind, loving, caring awareness of it.

Forget "recommendation time", forget about time when possible, and make it possible more often. Take off your watch.

You need to sleep more than 8 hours. Sleep. But we are aware from which part of ourselves it does come. Tired mentally, physically or avoiding life by staining in the bed.

Try to listen to the body and mind. When you quiet your mind, clear thoughts link with your body and give an answer. Just being open to listening and lacking constant tracking time, looking at the time, and being notified by time, does help.

Pleasure and pain remain the same - centred. When you acknowledge you will be not so obsessed with sadness, suffering, happiness, calmness, regret, etc. By that, the fulfilment of any stage of life followed by the feeling will be finally embraced and will naturally centralised.

Empty yourself, your thoughts, your past, and your future. Leave a good portion of space for the present and the loving kindness mostly it to yourself and this will link to the kindness and love received from others and given to others. However, remember it is not necessary will come from those who you wish to receive from or give to. It is something like unnecessary, unwanted, unneeded love.

Leave space for acceptance, for peace.

Love that it is a stage of being. Your love is not outside. It is deep inside you.

Allow yourself to be loved. And to love others.

Is love acceptance on the deepest level of not waiting to change others by own vision? Yes, it is. It is a part of love, the foundation.

Treat yourself to look at the world as if you have never seen it before. The same does with people, the one who loves, wish to love, and the one who have just met.

Become an observer - but not only the observer, loving observer.

The observer of yourself first, world, life, others.

And regardless of what you do: people will love you. People will hate you. And none of it it will have anything to do with you. And you will too, love and from time to time dislike yourself, and all of it it is ok. Because that's life and life does not have an answer to all. Those answers will change, will be right, and wrong, will adapt to new, and come to old. Life is a journey, not one destination. To know all of it time is required. Time to required to think and to indeed experience both suffering and happiness, sadness and joy, calmness and nervousness. Because of all of it, life is built on.

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