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Welcome to the Designer's Blog:
Unveiling the Strategies and Insights Behind Exceptional Design.
When one door closes, another opens.
Is Changing Career Scary?
Ready to hire: Personal Social Media Digital Marketing Assistant.
To think is to be, to think is to create your it?
Master of Arts, Design for Change - completed! Why, how and where?
Women in Tech World and Everyone else. Inclusion. Diversity.
Mandatory changes in User Experience Service Design in Public Sector in Ireland.
Free outstanding vector illustrations for UI Designers & Visual Designers
Why there is lots of successful companies with bad products?
Simple illustration clarify the difference between Good Leaders vs Bad Bosses.
Assertiveness. The Right to Say No. At work, in live, and even to yourself when necessary.
Part 3 of 3 x F: Fight Fly Freeze. Challenging situation at work/college, how to deal with it?
Part 2 of 3 x F: Fight Fly Freeze. Challenging situation at work/college, how to deal with it?
Part 1 of 3 x F: Fight Fly Freeze. Challenging situation at work/college, how to deal with it?