Not always easy but it is when repeat it regularly it becomes a habit of mind. And then the soul and psyche crave that. It becomes an addition. The positive ones. It is not about not feeling sad, or denying anger, but giving it a deadline, the timeframe and then coming back to inner joy.
Not externally driven but internally challenge yourself to feel once a gain the happy bliss just because you are alive. Even others just because they are alive. We forget how Life is vulnerable and fragile. It can finish even now, by unknown cause.
So let's absolutely feel it and think that being content, and feeling satisfaction in overcoming the challenge is what actually really matters. It will be up and down, just like the day and night, just like seasons. We will never be 100% happy all year round. But what we can do, is to willing to accept a particular thing, situation, person, obstacle, even a sorrow, face the fear and then from this place comes a state of peaceful happiness.

Repeat and then write your own to establish a habit of understanding that being content is a choice. It is a strategic choice, which serves us and those around us.
I'm going to be happy.
I'm going to be content.
I'm going to be joyous.
I'm going to be glad.
I'm going to smile a lot without reason.
I'm going to be grateful.
I'm going to appreciate.
Im going to be easy with myself and others.
I'm going to be flexible.
I'm going to be peaceful.
I'm going to be calm.
I'm going to notice what I think.
I'm going to notice what I feel.
I'm going to be aware.
I'm going to choose.
I'm going to select.
I'm going to be strategic.
I'm going to have my boundaries.
I'm going to face the fear.
I'm going to be brave.
I'm going to count my blessings.
I'm going to look for reasons.
I'm going to look for a better feeling.
I'm going to dig up positive things from the past and present.
I'm going to think positively about tomorrow, day after tomorrow, and year after year.
I'm going to look for positive things where I stand.
I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be content person. It is my natural state to overcome obstacles.
It is natural for me to love and to laugh, to trust, to be honest, to be sincere, to take care, to nourish, to protect, and to feel safe.
This is what is most natural for me, to be consistent caring communication with myself and others. To choose them instead of me when I know it is better to not be just right.
I am a happy person. I am a content person. I am a joyous person. I am aware that ultimately it is an internal choice then an external factor. I know that external factors might be temporary and not always supply there for me. But I can still be glad for existence that I can breathe.

Surrender and Allow
Allowing your connections.
Allowing your power.
Allowing your clarity.
Allowing your Truth Desires.
Allowing your receptiveness.
Allowing yourself to be in a receptive mode.
Allowing cells of your body to receive.
Allowing your well being to be conscious.
Give into Your own worthiness, to surrender to your worthiness, to surrender what is good.
Trust in what you are surrendering before you will going to willing to surrender too.
You are surrendering to the goodness is what all is.
You are surrendering to own well-being.
You are surrendering to the goodness is what all is.
You are surrendering to own wellness.
You are surrendering to your natural resources.
You are surrendering to the clarity and profound perfection of own desires to what is all called Life.
Believe in good.
Proclaim good.
Speak good.
Seek good.
Behave good.
Give an example of good.
Choose good. Live good.