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Ancient Greek said: 

First, secure an independent income, then practice virtue.

Πρώτα εξασφαλίζει ένα ανεξάρτητο εισόδημα και μετά εξασκεί την αρετή.
Próta exasfalízei éna anexártito eisódima kai metá exaskeí tin aretí.


Those virtues include teaching Design, Fine Arts and Holistic Health, especially Yoga, which are also part of expanding sources of income. Because we should never depend on a single income and we have to make an investment to create a second source (direct and indirect, active and passive) as was famously said by Warren Buffett. By this approach, we live in a much more secure and balanced way and as well importantly fulfil our inner passion, which can actually help others.

My calling apart from strategic research and innovative design is to create, teach, support and motivate others and execute ideas worth investing time, energy, effort and money which expands the area of directing, managing, leading product design teams, mentoring mentees and tutoring students to teaching yoga, wellness and fine arts and to creating my own artwork and exhibiting worldwide.

I think that our life is too short to be linear and only climb up one career ladder. It works for many but not for all, especially in the current always exploring new possibilities generations. AI is going to shift our work even more, many jobs will transit and we have to be open to it, embrace and be smart about where to put our additional free time, and how our hobbies can become our additional resources, our opportunities for businesses.

A fulfilled inner life lived by responsibility towards your passion, allows you to become greater in your major career, execute better strategic decision-making and be much more as a friend, spouse and parent at home. Being holistic allows you to fulfil other areas of your talents and with the right business mindset strategy, others can benefit from your natural skills. Everyone Wins. 

My natural skills are to create, lead, direct, research, design, teach, help, inspire, paint, draw, take photographs and live healthy lifestyles from nutrition, across holistic health to yoga, Pilates, aero step fitness, and dance...
Now, you can too.

Explore Art and Yoga Courses and 1:1 customised Lessons, on-site and online, to groups and individuals depending on your needs and wants. Invest in original Fine Arts so your home and office are filled with truly unique artworks instead repetitive common ones.

Because Life is Worth Doing GOOD. 


Because life is infinite and only fear prevents you from becoming more than you already are.
Become who you need and want to be by being radically honest with yourself and others.

Let your Walls breathe original Art, and Let your Lungs breathe Space and Time.

Create + Expand

Are you curious? Yes!

Follow White Rabbit and let him bring you
where you have never been before.

To The Wonderland.

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